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Audit: Wisconsin May Have Counted Enough Illegal Votes To Tip The 2020 Election To Biden

November 6, 2021

Wisconsin’s presidential election was not held in accordance with state law, according to a new audit. Tens of thousands of votes should not have been counted.

Explosive revelations in the Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau’s report on the 2020 presidential election confirm what many in the key swing state have long suspected: Those tasked with administering the election willfully ignored and openly violated state law.

The Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC), the governmental body tasked with administering elections in Wisconsin, is comprised of six appointed commissioners, three from each political party, and a staff that reports to them. Critically, if the commissioners deadlock on an issue before them, no official action is taken and local authorities are left to interpret the recommendations of WEC’s staff.

As a result, the overwhelming majority of WEC’s decisions during the 2020 election cycle were essentially made by unelected, unappointed, and obviously left-leaning bureaucrats. Both they and the commissioners who oversee them were downright derelict in their duty to fairly and impartially supervise an election run by city and county clerks and poll workers who were not properly trained and did not receive accurate, lawful guidance.

For instance, Wisconsin Statute 6.87(9) provides that “if a municipal clerk receives an absentee ballot with an improperly completed certificate or with no certificate, the clerk may return the ballot to the elector, inside the sealed envelope when an envelope is received, together with a new envelope if necessary, whenever time permits the elector to correct the defect and return the ballot.”

In direct violation of this law, WEC issued guidance to clerks in 2016 that allowed clerks to “cure” such incorrect information on ballot certificates themselves. The Legislative Audit Bureau (LAB) did not investigate the number of certificates that clerks cured, but still found a significant number of incomplete ballots that, according to state law, should not have been counted.

Incomplete Ballots Shouldn’t Have Been Counted

Auditors reviewed 14,710 absentee ballots cast in 29 municipalities across the state, including nine of the 10 cities in which the highest numbers of absentee ballots were cast. Stunningly, the City of Madison refused to allow the LAB to physically handle its ballots. Madison, Wisconsin’s capital and the most heavily Democratic city in the state, was the primary reason Joe Biden won Dane County over Donald Trump, as it voted for Biden by a whopping 75.7 to 22.9 percent.

The review of ballot certificates revealed that 1,022 of the ballots reviewed (representing 6.9 percent) “had partial witness addresses because they did not have one or more components of a witness address, such as a street name, municipality, state, and zip code.” Fifteen of them (0.1 percent) “did not have a witness address in its entirety,” while eight (less than 0.1 percent) “did not have a witness signature,” and three (less than 0.1 percent) “did not have a voter’s signature.”

While this does not necessarily sound like a major problem with incorrectly filled-out ballot certificates, when those numbers are applied to the 1,963,954 total mail-in votes cast in Wisconsin, it reveals a significant problem.

Using the LAB’s numbers, it may be reasonably estimated that across the state 135,512 absentee ballot certificates only had a partial witness address, 2,002 did not have a witness address at all, 1,068 did not have a witness signature, and 401 did not have a voter signature. Biden defeated Trump in Wisconsin by just 20,682 votes.

The Associated Press’ VoteCast survey estimates that 58 percent of Biden voters and 40 percent of Trump voters cast absentee ballots, either by mail or early in-person. Assuming that this trend held in Wisconsin, and that none of these absentee ballots were disqualified by election officials, a rough estimate indicates many more Biden votes than Trump votes should legally not have been counted.

Even if you include Wisconsin’s 0.2 percent rejection rate for absentee ballots in 2020, all this is easily enough to put Biden’s lead well within a few-hundred-vote margin (we can only be approximate as we know the national but not Wisconsin portion of voting that was absentee). That margin flips narrowly depending on how many voters for each candidate actually voted absentee, the actual numbers of legally inadmissible ballots counted, and the ballot rejection rate.

According to Wisconsin Statute 6.84(2), ballots that do not have complete voter and witness names, addresses, and signatures on their certificates “may not be counted” and “may not be included in the certified result of any election.”

Elections Commission Not Interested in Fraud

If tens of thousands of votes legally should not have been counted were in fact counted, it is obviously a major problem. However, the LAB could not determine the full extent of that problem because the City of Madison — which had one of the highest totals of absentee ballots returned in the state — refused to allow auditors to review its ballots.

The potential for fraud is obviously high when ballots are counted even though they lack legally required voter and witness information, but LAB’s audit makes clear that WEC is not especially interested in rooting out or even looking for fraud.

The multistate Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) system is designed to prevent vote fraud by allowing state election authorities such as WEC to see whether someone on their voter rolls has moved to, registered to vote in, or died in another state. In the runup to the 2020 election, WEC never bothered to check for any of this.

Interestingly, the only ERIC report WEC ran — in May 2020 — was for “eligible residents who are not registered to vote.” The implication is that WEC wanted as many people voting as possible, regardless of whether they were lawful voters or, well, even alive.

Non-Matching Names Never Investigated

This is apparent in WEC’s refusal to properly administer new voter registration. Of the 957,977 people who registered to vote for the first time in 2020, 45,665 did not match Wisconsin Department of Transportation (DOT) driver’s license records.

Sixty-three percent of these mismatches were due to a different name on the voter registration than on the driver’s license. While WEC’s staff indicated a non-match could have occurred if, for example, an individual registered to vote as “Robert” but was listed as “Bob” on a driver’s license, it is unclear why exactly the mismatches occurred because the state transportation department does not provide WEC any personally identifiable information.

“As a result, clerks are uncertain whether a non-match occurred because of only a slight difference in a given individual’s name, which may indicate little cause for concern, or a significant difference, which may indicate that an individual is attempting to register to vote by using another individual’s information,” LAB concluded, noting that “WEC’s staff indicated that no attempts were made to match the personally identifiable information provided by 13,800 individuals.”

This means that 45,665 people voted after providing information on their new voter registration that did not match DOT records, and WEC — the agency responsible for stopping the very sort of fraud such mismatches may be strong evidence of — never bothered to even try to match information for 13,800 of them.

That is unconscionable and seems to indicate an agency that is actively avoiding its duty to find fraud. How else could one explain the LAB’s finding that WEC simply ignored state law and did not obtain electronic signatures from DOT records to match with the signatures on voter registrations or ballots?

“Statutes require individuals who register online to vote to authorize WEC to obtain from DOT electronic copies of the signatures they provided when they obtained driver’s licenses or state identification cards,” LAB reported. “Statutes require WEC to obtain these signatures. However, we found that WEC’s most-recent agreement with DOT explicitly did not include the provision of these signatures.”

Without an ability to match signatures, how could WEC possibly check if the person whose driver’s license is on file with the DOT is the same one who has just registered to vote? Perhaps a better question might be “what is WEC afraid of finding if it did match signatures?”

Many Other Possible Voting Violations

In its audit, LAB proved to be far better at finding fraud than WEC — even though it, too, was not looking for it.

“We found that the names and dates of birth of the individuals associated with 24 of the 70 voter registration records that we identified by using our criteria matched similar information in 24 other records,” the audit discovered. Data indicate 4 of the 24 individuals may have voted twice by absentee ballot, the audit noted.

In addition to this potential evidence of double voting, LAB also found eight felons who voted and that “11 individuals who died before November 3, 2020, likely voted in the General Election.”

Such potential fraud was made possible by an out-of-control rogue agency that repeatedly ignored Wisconsin statutes. As the MacIver Institute summarized:

WEC violated state law by not issuing rules on how to train special voting deputies or election inspections.

WEC told clerks they could go home on Election night and return the next day to finish counting, even though that is illegal.

WEC told clerks they could relocate polling places within 30 days of the election, even though that is illegal.

WEC failed to include current state law in its administrative rules on how to train municipal election workers. The rules have not been updated since 2016.

WEC violated state law by not reporting the error rates for electronic voting equipment used in the Nov. 2020 election.

WEC also turned a blind eye to the rampant abuse of indefinite confinement by voters who used a false declaration to avoid showing a photo ID to vote. In 2020, a whopping 169,901 people declared themselves indefinitely confined for the first time (up from 50,000 total indefinitely confined voters the year before); 48,554 of those newly indefinitely confined voters did not place a valid ID on file with their local clerk and thus were able to get around the state’s Voter ID law.

While this would obviously raise the possibility of massive fraud, WEC never bothered to look into whether any of these 48,554 voters were who they said they were.

Why not? It is WEC’s job to investigate these sorts of issues and ensure that Wisconsin’s elections are both clean and fairly run. But through its repeated refusal to follow state law this agency has ensured only that it can never again be trusted.

The Wisconsin Senate has announced an investigation into LAB’s findings as well as why the City of Madison refused to allow its ballots to be examined. It cannot come soon enough. Even though the LAB never looked into such obvious and odious schemes as Madison’s “Democracy in the Park” ballot harvesting operation and the takeover of Green Bay’s election operations by Facebook-funded partisans, the audit revealed enough evidence of widespread lawlessness to warrant a wholesale restructuring of how elections are run in this state. Dan O’Donnell is a talk show host with News/Talk 1130 WISN in Milwaukee, Wis. and 1310 WIBA in Madison, Wis., and a columnist for the John K. MacIver Institute.

Nathan DeGrave’s Letter from DC Jail

November 3, 2021

Read January 6 Political Prisoner Nathan DeGrave’s Horrifying Letter From D.C. Jail, Where Patriots Are Tortured
The government is torturing Americans

October 30, 2021

January 6 political prisoner Nathaniel “Nathan” DeGrave has released a letter from D.C. jail, through attorney Brad Geyer, in which DeGrave details the horror and physical and mental torture that American patriots suffer in lockup. The tyrannical government is clearly trying to make an example of patriotic protesters by torturing people who attended the Election Integrity protest on January 6 and entered the U.S. Capitol. DeGrave’s story of torture at the hands of anti-American government agents is a tragic indictment of the United States in the age of the Joe Biden regime. Here is DeGrave’s story:

“Dear fellow Americans: I never thought I’d write a letter like this, but we’re living in very different times. This is my cry for help. My name is Nathan DeGrave, and as a non violent participant at the Jan 6th rally, I’ve spent the last 9 months detained as a political prisoner in pod C2B at the DC DOC…otherwise known as DC’s Gitmo. The conditions here for Jan 6ers have been inhumane. In fact, some inmates are even begging to be transferred to GUANTANAMO BAY, where even THEY have more acceptable standards. Class action LAWSUITS are being filed against this prison; and even the ACLU has gotten involved. Senators Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene have since attempted to gain access to this facility and inspect the conditions of the jail, only to be denied.

The vile filth of what has become our daily life is being illegally HIDDEN from the members of OUR OWN CONGRESS. So…let me tell you about what me and many of the other Jan 6ers have been experiencing in DC’s Gitmo. It is my hope that with MEDIA EXPOSURE and the awareness of the American public, that SOMETHING may be done and this never happens to anyone ever again. OUR CONDITIONS For the first 120 days in DC’s Gitmo, Jan 6ers experienced DAILY LOCKDOWNS for 23-24 HOURS before being allowed to leave our small 120 sq. ft cell.

The PHYSICAL and MENTAL ANGUISH that results from this kind of SEVERE ISOLATION has caused many people to go on a RAPID mental decline. As a result, a large percentage of us are HEAVILY MEDICATED with anti-anxiety and anti-depressant drugs, which helps to cope with the psychological and mental ABUSE we endure. Many times, the little rec we DO receive is STRIPPED AWAY if our cell isn’t up to the standards of the guard on duty. This changes from day to day. Jan 6ers have lost rec time and out of cell activity ANY TIME news interviews about the jail are aired on TV, people speak up about our conditions, or rallies are held in our name. We’ll probably have a lockdown upon the publishing of this letter. So I have already warned those I know in advance.. Masks are WEAPONIZED and used against us, even though we NEVER leave the facility. Officers have walked in with the SOLE INTENTION of needing to write 20-30 disciplinary reports against Jan 6ers, which adversely effects our chances of release and causes loss of privileges, phone time and commissary. Masks need to be covering both the nose and mouth AT ALL TIMES or we are threatened and locked down in our cells. Jan 6ers are always respectful to the employees around us, but C.Os maintain the need to invent reasons for discipline. PRIVILEGED LEGAL DOCUMENTS have been CONFISCATED and gone missing from various cells, and HIGHLY SENSITIVE discovery (video evidence under attorney/client privilege) is watched by employees during our legal calls. Jordan Mink, for example, had all discovery TAKEN by ERT officers on August 23rd despite the objection of his attorney.

They handcuffed him, searched his room, and then proceeded to take all video evidence in his possession. Additionally, legal visits take 2-3 WEEKS or more to be scheduled, leaving little time to discuss our defense and prepare for trial. The EXTREME medical neglect in this facility has caused a variety of adverse illnesses and disease. Some show signs of scurvy. And some even have Covid like symptoms, but medical personnel have refused to treat it. Christopher Worrell, for example, is an inmate with Cancer, who also broke his hand in prison and requires surgery. Both have been completely ignored. Federal judge Royce Lamberth got to the point where on October 12th, he filed contempt of court charges against the warden of the DC DOC, claiming that Worrell’s civil rights have been violated, and demanding the U.S attorney general inquire further about his and other possible violations. Another inmate, Peter Stager, WAITED FOUR MONTHS to receive his CPAP breathing machine, and has needed an MRI since spring, which has also been ignored by staff. The harsh, unlivable conditions of our unit has caused health hazards that defy Department of Health regulations. And on at least five occasions, RAW SEWAGE has overflowed our unit, causing human fecal matter to flood the floors and rooms. That’s also in addition to the MOLD on cell walls, as well as the rusty pipes, and DIRTY WATER that flows from these sinks. White rags TURN BROWN when exposed to the water from our faucets. We are undergoing SEVERE NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCIES and STARVATION. For breakfast this morning, I received a tray of flavorless paste, two slices of bread, and a slice of bologna. Lunches usually consist of rice and beans, but we’ll get cold chicken/beef patties if we are lucky. For dinner, we are sometimes fed a diet of cheese sandwiches, and bologna and cheese 4 to 5 times per week.
Without commissary, people like myself are FORCED TO STARVE. I suffer from HEADACHES and NAUSEA on an almost REGULAR BASIS from the malnutrition and constant hunger I am subjected to. I have lost ALMOST 15 POUNDS since I’ve been detained. Our rights to personal hygiene are also totally neglected. Razors are PROHIBITED, and inmates are forced to either go unshaved, and grow long beards, or use a razor free cream that BURNS and IRRITATES the skin. But many other jails have allowed the use of razors without incident. Haircuts are also PROHIBITED from unvaccinated inmates.

For me, it’s been nearly 9 months. I look VIRTUALLY UNRECOGNIZABLE in the condition I’m in. I fear even my family would not recognize me. Contact with the outside world, from legal visits to seeing loved ones is HIGHLY RESTRICTED. After in-person visits, legal or otherwise, we are forced to undergo humiliating STRIP SEARCHES, despite ALL visitors being thoroughly checked for contraband. If it’s a legal visit, we are placed in a 14 day quarantine, with no out of cell time; EVEN IF your attorney is VACCINATED and tests NEGATIVE for Covid. Visits with friends or family members, for unvaccinated inmates, are NEVER ALLOWED. As a result, many people have skipped critical meetings with their council, and NEVER get an opportunity to see friends or family. VIDEO VISITATION, while available to the rest of the jail, is RESTRICTED in the Jan 6 pod. Mail is delayed for MONTHS, and phone calls are limited to a MAXIMUM of pre approved 12 numbers. If there’s anyone else in our extended family or otherwise we’d like to call, we’re pretty much out of luck.

RELIGIOUS SERVICES, protected by the 1st amendment, are NOT provided to Jan 6ers. Neither are in person classes or other activities available to the rest of the jail. An inmate named Ryan Samsel, instead attempted to organize his own bible study inside the pod, until he was viciously BEATEN and LEFT FOR DEAD by correctional officers. He suffered a broken eye socket and brain damage as a result of the vicious attack. He’s now permanently blind in one eye. On another occasion, Scott Fairlamb was confronted by an officer in the middle of the night, and his life was threatened, once the officer’s body cam was disabled. Many, like myself, are afraid they could be the next victim. And last but not least, we experience racism from many guards on a daily basis, being the ONLY WHITE REPUBLICANS in the entire jail.

The false narrative is has been passed around the jail and to corrections officers that we are “white supremacists” (we are NOT). The inmate population is predominantly black, so we are at risk being here because of this false narrative. The guards are mostly liberal migrants from Africa who have been conditioned to hate us, and hate America. Jan 6ers have been mocked, beaten and ridiculed by guards for singing the National Anthem. The Corrections Officers despise our politics and the love we have for this country. At one point, an officer even yelled “FUCK AMERICA!”, and threatened to lock us down FOR A WEEK if we attempted to sing the National Anthem again. THE TRUTH ABOUT MY STORY Finally, I feel like I should touch briefly on the government and prosecutor’s portrayal of who I am as a person.

No, I am not a terrorist, extremist or any of the other names I’ve been called by the government. More than anything, I am a red blooded patriot and I love this country more than anything. I am being unfairly prosecuted and definitely overcharged. I never assaulted anyone, destroyed property, or stolen anything. I walked through wide open doors to enter the Capitol, along with my camera crew hoping to get the rally on video. I was never even armed at any point inside the Capitol. Our goal was to make a documentary, and get likes and shares on social media. Yes I wore a costume (that the prosecutor refers to as paramilitary gear and body armor) but it was for the movie and was nothing of the sort. And yet, 9 months later here I sit, with 10 years worth of charges and no hope for a future. The surveillance footage shows absolutely no signs of assault, and despite attempts by media companies to get it released to the public, the government has denied it. I think that’s because they are fully aware that this footage is questionable at worst, and exonerates me at best. Please don’t be fooled by the media. I am a loving and peaceful person with no history of violence. This weaponized DOJ and their blatant resentment of my respect for President Donald Trump is putting me in a situation that makes me feel helpless in my current situation.

HOW YOU CAN HELP Despite me and other Jan 6ers experiencing these unthinkable conditions, all of us remain POSITIVE and HOPEFUL that, in the end, JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL. We maintain a LOVE for this country and the Constitution like no other. The only thing keeping us going is our undying patriotism, the camaraderie between one another and our faith in God. Please…SHARE THIS LETTER with EVERYONE you know: friends and family, senators, representatives, political organizers, civil rights groups and media outlets. The truth HAS to get out. And the jail MUST PAY for what they are doing to this country’s citizens. As a result of this unlawful detainment the last 9 months, I have lost everything. The successful business I spent 13 years of my life working on, my apartment in Las Vegas, social media accounts with a lifetime of memories…you name it. The government has essentially CANCELLED ME. Not only that, but following the arrest, my best friend of 12 years robbed my apartment, stole my cat, and hacked my personal Instagram with 100,000+ followers.

Since then, I often go between feelings of hopefulness and moments of depression. I wonder if I can ever recover from this, but I have to remind myself to never give up. There are major medical complications I now struggle with as a result of the jail’s neglect of my health since being here. If there is any way I hope to recover, my only hope are the ones who are reading this. I was on top of the world once upon a time, and that life seems now only like a distant memory. If there’s anything you can do to help, I would appreciate anything at all. Inmates here are being extorted with lack of nutrition, forcing me to spend most of what’s left on commissary which I can no longer afford. I need desperate help with my legal expenses and just help staying alive in here with commissary and all the expenses…I still have on the outside as my livelihood and life has been stripped away from me. Thank you for any her you can afford, even if it is a few dollars it goes a long way in here. Sincerely and with love, Nathaniel DeGrave,” the letter states.

Happy Birthday, Jim

November 3, 2019


Happy Birthday, Kevin

January 6, 2018


Merry Christmas

December 25, 2017


Happy Birthday, Mark

December 12, 2017


J.R.R. Tolkien recites the Ring Verse

January 19, 2013

What Child is This?

December 25, 2011